
‘Jeg vil kjøpe kaffe!’

Jorgensen-Kaffebrenneri - W6A

‘Jeg vil kjøpe kaffe!’ Translated, this means “I want to buy coffee!”. And that’s possible because this Giesen W6A has arrived in Alta.

Alta is the largest place in Northern Norway and is also called the city of the Northern Lights. In the far north of Norway, the sun disappears completely below the horizon from November to January. But in this dark time, there is the so-called “blue light” in the middle of the day, a kind of twilight that is almost as impressive as the northern lights.

Whether the colour choice of this W6A has to do with this remains a guess, but it is certainly a wonderful place for a W6A!

Our classic and most sold roaster. Our W6 series is easy to use, flexible and also has a great appearance. If you’re looking for a professional starting model with the perfect combination of functionalities, capacity and size, the W6 series is the perfect fit for you!

Congratulations Jørgensen Kaffebrenneri with this new addition!

Interested in a custom colour coffee roaster? Check out this page to see all the possibilities.

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