In the years we manufacture, deliver and install our own coffee roasters, we meet a lot of interesting people along the way. Our customers vary from professional roasters, to coffee shops and bars and we deliver our roasters all over the world. Despite their differences they all have one thing in common: their love for good coffee.
We like to share the roast stories from our customers with you. This blog post will be about Kaffee Röstmobil in Germany.
Kaffee Rostmobil Germany
Our customer Bienfait Kaffeerösterei has a very innovative way to roast the finest coffee on the spot: A mobile roastery!
Under the name of Kaffee Röstmobil they roast their own coffee beans from the best places in the world.
Because of the mobile roastery and bar, it is possible to serve fresh roast coffee on fairs, markets and promotional events. This is also a nice solution during walking and biking tours.
Coffee roasting in a truck
The truck is 10/14 meter long and it is possible to enjoy a cup of coffee outside on one of the bar tables. There is also a heated space inside where you can drink your coffee on the couch.
más información
We are very happy that Bienfait Kaffeerösterei chose our W6A Coffee Roaster for their Kaffee Röstmobil in Germany.
Should you want to know more about Kaffee Röstmobil, you can visit their website. If you want more information about our Coffee Roasters, feel free to contact us.