Informazioni su Giesen

We create, you enjoy.

At Giesen Coffee Roasters, we make it simple for you to begin your journey into the world of roasting. Our machines are not only powerful and versatile but also equipped with everything necessary to elevate your roasts to new heights. Designed to unleash your creativity, our roasters offer endless possibilities, allowing you to explore and innovate like never before.

Giesen lo rende possibile

Discover craftsmanship.

Our goal is to merge quality with design excellence. Our state-of-the-art coffee roasters are crafted in Ulft, a charming town in the Netherlands. Here, we blend cutting-edge technology and the latest roasting trends with unparalleled control and capacity.

Turning dreams into reality, one roaster at a time.

Choose from our classic and sophisticated black edition or explore a vast spectrum of RAL colors. The customization possibilities are endless, allowing you to create stylish combinations that seamlessly align with your brand or coffee shop aesthetic.

Tailor your roaster to perfection by selecting your preferred body paint, roof color, accents, wood style, and even personalize details such as the cooling sieve edge on select models. Dive deeper into our customizable options to craft a roaster that truly reflects your unique vision. 

Classic design combined with
Modern Technology.

Nei nostri tostatori vengono utilizzati solo i componenti più moderni e di alta qualità. Sono assemblati con assoluta precisione grazie all'artigianato olandese.

In 15 anni abbiamo parlato e collaborato con i migliori esperti di torrefazione del settore. Non ci limitiamo a sentire quello che dicono, ma li ascoltiamo. Il risultato è una torrefazione perfettamente in sintonia con l'uso pratico. Le impostazioni di Giesen sono tutte di facile utilizzo e corrispondono ai requisiti della torrefazione. Che sia grande o piccolo, sappiamo esattamente di cosa avete bisogno e mettiamo i vostri desideri al primo posto.

Scoprite il massimo controllo della velocità del tamburo, del flusso d'aria e del calore su tutti i tostatori Giesen. Provate diversi modi per creare il vostro profilo di tostatura ideale, sperimentando le opzioni avanzate. incluso gratuitamente. Se volete saperne di più sul controllo del flusso d'aria, leggi questo blog e guardate questo webinar sul controllo del flusso d'aria.

Adjust the drumspeed on your Giesen roaster to gain even more control of your roasting process. Combined with the airflow control you can create consistent roasting profiles. Want to know what effect drumspeed has on your roasts? Watch the Giesen webinar with Willem Boot or read this blog.

We can let the coffee roaster behave like a fully conductive heat roaster but due to the fan speed, users can also roast with convection heat. A lot of different settings and heat transfer techniques can be modulated with Giesen roasters. Watch this webinar on heat control.

Our control panel is easy to use and displays all relevant parameters. Making it possible to control actual and automatically set the target temperatures. Keeping the quality of your roasts consistent. 

Our roasters are equipped with low noise fans, to maintain a low noise level. All our roasters operate under 75dB.

Quickly cool down your coffee beans with our fast cooling option, to preserve maximum freshness and quality of your coffee beans.

We offer state-of-the-art burner technology and sustainable roasting solutions to roast green. Better for the environment and lowers operating costs.

Cast iron front plate, stainless steel body and customizable accents: our roasters are designed to be enjoyed for a long time – without weathering.

W140A roaster

Giesen lo rende possibile

Revolutionizing Roasting.

The Giesen Profiler is designed to record your roasting sessions and automatically replicate profiles, ensuring consistency with every batch. It simplifies the tracking of all your roasting sessions and enables easy exportation of data. In essence, Giesen Profiler saves you valuable time while enhancing control and precision in your roasting process.

Prodotto nei Paesi Bassi

Quality meets design.

United as a team, we collaborate to achieve the utmost excellence in everything we do. From our high-quality roasters to our unparalleled customer service, we uphold a standard where only the best is acceptable.

This commitment to excellence is evident not only in the craftsmanship of our roasters but also in the dedication of our support team. We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer service, ensuring that every interaction reflects our core values of quality, integrity, and care. 

Dutch craftsmanship.

Le nostre torrefazioni sono sottoposte a un accurato processo di produzione. Dal momento dell'ordine fino alla consegna, la qualità è assicurata.

Custom Coffee roaster

Incredible support and service.

We’re dedicated to ensuring your roasting experience is worry-free. From purchase to operation, our top-notch service and support team are here for you. Contact us via phone, email, or our website for prompt assistance with any mechanical or technical issues.