Podcast #22 – Rubens Gardelli – How to become a good roaster

In this final episode of season 2 of the Giesen Roastcast, our host Filip will talk with Rubens Gardelli on how to become a good roaster. Rubens will take you through his learning process and what he thinks are essential steps to becoming a good roaster. Enjoy!

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This season stands for educating and learning. Every episode a special guest joins Filip to talk about the different disciplines in coffee roasting. We want to bring in new influences and latest techniques of roasting coffee, so that you can learn something new every time you listen in the car, the roastery or just at home.

In this final episode of season 2 of the Giesen Roastcast, our host Filip will talk with Rubens Gardelli on how to become a good roaster. Rubens is the definition of the self-made man, and it is not the pursuit of sales or fame, but the passion and curiosity that has driven his coffee company from the ground up. He is the founder and head-roaster of Gardelli specialty coffee and roasting Champion. Rubens will take you through his learning process and what he thinks are essential steps to becoming a good roaster. Enjoy!

You can also listen to the episode here:

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