Spotlight: Giesen Scandinavian Distributor

Filip Åkerblom is a Giesen Scandinavia distributor. He is the roastmaster at Scandinavian Coffee Consulting and likes to get to know us.

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Filip Åkerblom is a Giesen Scandinavian distributor. He is the roastmaster at Scandinavian Coffee Consulting and wants to tell us all about his profession. Let’s get to know him!

Name: Filip
Company name:Scandinavian Coffee Consulting
Giesen Coffee roaster type:W15A, W30A

Giesen Scandinavian Distributor -spotlight

Why did you decide to start your own business? Promote the profession of coffee roasting.

Highlights you experienced in your work: Creating the World Championship in Coffee Roasting.

How do you become a successful roaster: Practice, educate and network.

How many hours of roasting and studying does it take to become a roasting expert? That depends. Some people need 2 years and are roasting every day, where others never really study.

Sources you have learned a lot from when it comes to roasting coffee: Meeting other roaster colleagues.

The best thing about coffee roasting: The global roasting community.

How do customers react when they see your coffee roaster? 🤩

You can find more information about Filip Åkerblom, here.

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