The hopper is the part of the coffee roaster where the green beans are loaded before entering the drum. Once the hopper valve is opened, the beans are loaded into the drum and the roasting process begins.
The hoppers from Giesen can be equipped with various accessories. One of them is an automatic valve. This valve is connected to the control panel of the coffee roaster and at the push of a button the beans will be loaded from the hopper into the coffee roaster. The valve then does not need to be operated by hand.
Another optional accessory is a GCC; Green Coffee Conveyor. With this, the beans are transported to the hopper of the coffee roaster via a funnel located at ground level. This is also done automatically via a control button on the control panel of your coffee roaster. So with this accessory, the beans no longer need to be lifted overhead to be loaded into the coffee roaster.

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