Bourbon coffee If someone ever offers you a coffee brewed with bourbon coffee beans, you better take it. Today we’ll tell you all about this special coffee variety.
The bourbon bean is a species within the arabica family, which consists of two other varieties. The other ones are named Arabica Heirloom and Arabica Typica coffees. But it isn’t just a bean. Culturally and genetically, Bourbon and Typica are known as the most important groups of C. arabica coffees around the world.
Bourbon bean: history
It was the French missionaries who we must thank for the bourbon bean. They brought it from Yemen to Bourbon Island, today is known as La Réunion, and that’s where it got the name it has today. Until the 1800s, you could only find the bean on the island, but after a while, people around the world discovered the flavorful bean. Now, you can find it around the whole world, mostly in the South of America and Africa. For example, Colombia, Haiti, Rwanda, Malawi, Mexico, and Costa Rica.
The most suitable environment for this bean is at an altitude of above 1,100 meters and up to 2,000 meters above sea level. Due to the extreme altitude where the bean grows, the trees don’t produce a huge number of cherries.
The taste
This special bean remains a popular coffee variety. Mostly because of the balanced flavors. The beans are known for their buttery chocolate flavors, as well as their sweetness and brightness. Balanced with a smooth texture and a sweet finish.

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