Nowadays, you can brew coffee in a lot of different ways, with even more different tools. ESE servings are paper filter pods you might have heard of before. The Italian company Illy developed the pods. But what exactly can you do with them? And when were they conceived? We tell you all about them in this article.
ESE servings are coffee pods intended for use in semi-automatic espresso machines. The Italian company Illy designed and developed the pods when they looked for a solution to produce high-quality and consistent cups of espresso. The original idea of pod machines in Italy was to relieve designated staff from the repetition of continuous espresso brewing for office staff. Later they developed pod machines for the home market, and for restaurants and other catering establishments where espresso was not a specialty. The use of a pod machine eliminated most of the training required to operate conventional espresso machines.
ESE servings
Each paper filter pod contains about 7 grams of pre-ground coffee. The consistent grind and quantity ensure that the same cup of espresso can be made every time. Most semi-automatic espresso machines can also use ESE servings through an accessory. When you use the pod adapter you can use the ESE servings in a normal semi-automatic espresso machine. The ease of use allows users to brew a standardized cup of espresso with repeatable results. There are also special ESE pod coffee machines available that can only be used to make coffee using the ESE pod.

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